Fraudulent Job Postings

Please be warned about scam job postings that are fraudulently using the Ecoation brand and company name. These fake job postings are complete scams.


Please be warned about scam job postings that are fraudulently using the Ecoation brand and company name. These fake job postings are complete scams. Their sole purpose is to carry out identity theft and scam the applicant through wire transfers. DO NOT ENGAGE with such fraudulent job postings and do not share any personal information.


How to tell an authentic job posting from Ecoation? 

Ecoation jobs will always be posted on our website at If you find a posting on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster, or any other website, then please confirm its authenticity by visiting the careers section of our website first.

What to do if you find a fraudulent Ecoation job posting?

Please report the fraudulent job to the website where it's listed. Also email a copy of the job url to so that our team can follow up.

What to do if you have been a victim of such a scam?

First report the scam to your local police. You can also report it at the Anti Fraud Center here: 

Here’s a good article from the Edmonton Police about further action that you can take

Read more about these Fake Job Scams

Kindly be vigilant. The company is not responsible for these scams or for any inconvenience or loss caused to anyone due to this fraud. We have taken action by posting a Fraud Alert on our website, and shared it on a LinkedIn company post. We have filed complaints with the concerned job sites. Finally, we have officially filed a complaint with North Vancouver police.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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